December 10, 2014

Dusk now includes an early version of animated tiles! All you have to do is specify anim:enabled as true (just like physics) in Tiled on your tile properties for a tile, then anim:options for the animation options. anim:options is a table (encoded with Bang or JSON) is directly sent to the display.newSprite() call in Corona, so it uses Corona animation properties like start and count.

Right now, animation only supports start, count, and time parameters, no frames table, loopDirection, or loopCount. And it's also pretty untested. So if you find a bug in the animated tiles implementation, please file a bug report here.

That said, animation support can only get better from now on!

Animation Example
(tile properties)

anim:enabled   =   true
anim:options   =   !!! start: 1 count: 16 time: 1000